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  • Writer's picturesamaaradubey

The International Lion Force

Once in Africa lived a pride of lions. The name of alfa of the pride was Kingsley and his wife's name was Aurora.They had four cubs Orion, Sapphire, Flora and Fire. Now these cubs had a desire that was not like most cubs, they wanted to see the world from the air. So when they grew up their father gave them an aeroplane! Yes it was a real life aeroplane and they absolutely loved it.

Their father asked if they wanted to hear a story. Sapphire replied "Yes please". "Alright then" said their father.

"Once upon a time lived a cub named Kingsley. He desperately wanted to fly a plane. So one day when he had just turned 20 his father gave him an aeroplane and he was so happy. The next day his father started teaching him and after a year of training Kingsley left home to travel the world. But one day he crashed in Portugal and luckily he managed to fix the plane and when he reached home and got off the plane, five elephant calves smashed the plane. From that day he never rode a plane ever again."

"Wow dad ! You really must have thought a lot about letting us on a plane", said Orion. "Ya dad why are you letting us on a plane?" "Because I can't stop you from following your dreams" said their father. "Dad can you start training us tomorrow?" asked Fire."Of course I can" said their father.

Next day they started training. They found it very easy to fly the plane and that is not expected of a lion. After eleven months they showed it to their mom and she said that they were really good at it and a month after that their father told them that they were ready to travel the world, The best part was that the plane had four front seats so they wouldn't have to take turns flying and there were five passenger seats so they could take some lions along with them. "Bye" shouted Flora, "Bye dad bye mom" yelled Orion. "We'll miss you" said Fire and Sapphire and off they went.

After a couple of hours, they were flying over Australia when Orion said "We should land" "Why" asked Fire, "We have to gather some food supplies we ran out of, right?" asked Sapphire. ' Correct and we need some extra fuel incase we run out we can probably buy it from some one down on the ground''said Orion. So they landed and saw lots of animals, they saw an ostrich lots of kangaroos and lots more animals. There was a shop there called Get Anything, Get Everything. Sapphire thought it was a catchy name but that wasn't their problem. They needed food and fuel so they walked in the store and saw a Koala bear right in front of them. "Hello welcome to get anything, get everything store. What do you need, name it" said the Koala. "Hello we need some aeroplane fuel and some food" answered Flora.''Do you need any water?'' asked the koala ''No, just food'' answered Fire. They bought what they needed and left.

While they were walking toward the plane they saw an unconscious lion! They immediately ran toward him and took him to the plane. He was wearing a very strange uniform. They gave him some water and he woke up. He told them that his name was Leo and he was the boss of I.L.F , which stood for International Lion Force. This was where lions would rescue animals in danger. They were all amazed when they heard this but needed to focus on getting him to safety. ''Flora, Fire you guys take care of Leo in the back seat and I and Orion will drive the plane'' shouted Sapphire. So they took Leo back to Africa and once he was healed, they took him back to the I.L.F.

Leo offered them join the I.L.F and said that they could be a part of air defenders section and that he worked in the land defence and he told them that there was even a water defence. Air defence's colour was white, land defence's colour was green and for water, the colour was blue. They were thrilled to join. Leo gave them their badges.

Since then, they were saving animals in the I.L.F !

The International Lion Force Badge

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