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  • Writer's picturesamaaradubey

The Big Wave

Long ago lived four beautiful mermaids - Coral, Bloom,Ruby and Twilight. Twilight was the oldest and wisest sister so the other sisters did whatever she recommended. Whenever she was away Coral took over because Twilight was only a day older than her. As for Bloom and Ruby they are twins so there isn't any comparison with those two.

Illustration by Samaara Dubey

One day Twilight spotted a huge wave coming close to their reef. When she saw this she panicked and warned the reef. To be safe they all moved to deeper waters. Coral counted everyone to make sure everyone had made it safely ,but everyone wasn't there - Twilight was missing! Everyone searched and searched but just couldn't find her. Coral, Bloom and Ruby knew that there was only one way to find her, they had to swim through the big wave! They were all scared but they all loved their big sister so they all decided to go!

As they ascended to the shallower waters, the wave hit them (crash!). They landed on a small Island when they found their sister, Twilight, right next to them!

"Twilight. are you awake?" Carol asked . She replied, "Swim before they get you".

"Who?" asked Bloom and Ruby in unison.

Then 10 masked figures with nets and dart guns showed up seconds later. All four blacked out. When they woke up, they were in cages. Twilight and Coral panicked but Bloom and Ruby just sat talking. After an hour, the elder sisters were super weirded out by how cool the twins were. They went to ask the twins, "How can you not panic at a time like this. you're the little ones?". "We are, but we are not panicking right now because this is a marine biologist's lab." "Whats a marine biologist?" asked Coral. "Well you would know if you paid attention to granny's stories!". Please tell us pleaded the girl. "Fine" said the little sisters. "A marine biologist is a person that study and helps sea Creatures. So that's why we aren't scared and we will be released in some time, there's nothing to worry about." And they were right ,they were released after a few days and they went back to the sea, free.

Moral-never think that someone that is younger to you isn't smarter than you.

Moral number two - don't panic when you are in sticky situation, think it over first!

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